Tuesday, 11 June 2013


Meep! ^.^ 
Here's a picture of Paw's kitten!
First "she" was called Clover, but then it turned out to be a boy. Then we called him Clovis, but apparently that was some ancient French warrior, and Mum doesn't want him to have a warrior name... o.o
So, for now, we're calling him Minus! :3
 Cute! :3
Here're a couple of pretty pink oleander flowers.

A nice, random orange flower...

Humbug on the window sill! :3 (You can see the top of my head behind is left ear.)

From further back...

 Treacle! ^.^

Pretty yellow flower...

 Treacle licking himself!

Wild cherries...

They are delicious! They're kind of sweet and sour :3

And a wild rose!

And, earlier, we've found 2 dogs... O.o click HERE to see what I mean!



  1. What is wrong with a warrior?

    1. Noting :p apart from that they fight and kill people, and Mintus (new possible name, lol) doesn't seem at all like someone like that...

  2. **glares**

    I am SO disappointed! I thought it was shrews IN the ice cream!!


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