Thursday, 2 May 2013

Free Cash and Eels

First of all, no. You can't have any free cash X3
Not any of mine, anyway. I just think it's funny when at cash withdrawals it says free!
Haha! :3

Here's a (the only, in fact) picture I got of a fox I spotted a couple of days ago!
 I think that's the closest I've been to a live, wild fox ^.^ It just came trotting around the corner, nonchalant, and walked straight past us! At first I didn't think to take a photo >.< I was just like "fox fox fox fox fox" :p

 Here's a photo of my dad's birthday cake X3 his birthday was on the 29th April.
Did you know that you can eat forget-me-nots? (The little blue flowers around the edge of the cake.)
I didn't, until I tried, and survived! X3 
Health warning: do not do this at home...or anywhere else.
I only tried because my great-aunt also tried XP

Lastly I saw 2 elvers (baby eels) in a stream, the day before yesterday!
  Sorry for the pathetic photo quality >.< that blue shine is partly my camera and partly the sky :p
SilverDawn's friend's brother said he was absolutely amazing at picking them up and tried...he failed, epically X3 not trying to boast (lol), but I tried and got one! They were so smooth and slippery and really, really cute!

Did you know SilverDawn has micophobia?

 Yep! It's the phobia of mushrooms! And in her case, it's an irrational phobia - meaning that there's no reason for it :3

Here's a random field...


More bluebells but you can't see them so well X3

And some hay bales! 

Bye for now!



  1. I keep looking for a sign that says "Free reese cup withdrawls" luck so far! =(

    And I keep forgetting that you can eat forget me nots---why is that??? XD

    Was SD attacked by killer mushrooms from outer space and that is why she has micophobia??


    1. Nope, not killer mushrooms XD
      I had some really creepy dreams about mushrooms when I was little, and when I was about four I saw these REALLY, really creepy-looking mushrooms. They were brown and slimy, with some oily goo in the centre... *shudders*


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