Meep! For 2 days and a night me and my sister went for a sleep-over with my sister's friend! (Who, while I'm writing this, shall be known as "Friend" lol and Friend's brother shall be known as "Brother".)
We arrived, had supper, and went to bed. Very exciting, I know.
Had breakfast (I just had toast and jam) and decided to go for a walk. We set of, taking Friend's dog with us.
(He's a border collie called Vinnie, and I don't have a photo *sob*)
Anyway, we went through the next-door-farmer's field and past some hay-bales where we played hide-and-seek. My sister didn't play though, because the hay-bales were infested with mushrooms and she has mycophobia. (Phobia of mushrooms - weird, I know.)
I saw some deer! Two females ;)
Then we went through a gate, and into another field, through that field,
and then came to the MUD.

So. What happened here was this: we wanted to get to the island. We did get to the island. The problem was getting off the island, for some reason. Anyway, Friend went first, then myself, then Brother, then SilverDawn (my sister). I got to safety, so did Friend, so did Brother. But not Dawn! She got stuck-in-the-mud, with mud almost to the top of her boots. (Wellies, rubber boots, tall shoes, wellington boots, hiking shoes, whatever you want to call 'em.)
We got one foot (and boot) out of the mud, but we couldn't get the other foot out without practically sitting in the mud, which was also a mixture of grass, dead worms and cow poo. Lovely.
Eventually Dawn almost fell totally into the "mud". We rescued her, leaving Brother now stranded, trying to get Dawn's boot out. Dawn then began to head back to Friend's house, with one boot-less foot. While she was still within a stone's throw, we got the boot out and chucked it to her, and she ran back to get changed. But Friend and I had to get Brother out, which we eventually did, though leaving one boot in the mud. While he went back to get changed as well, we were left to get out the boot. We eventually managed but then Vinnie the dog, we noticed, had gone behind a barbed-wire fence and a hedge of brambles and couldn't get back. Eventually he managed to jump over, and we went back. Then we went for the proper walk!
We ran down a hill and found a lake!
Then we went through a gate, and into another field, through that field,
and then came to the MUD.
So. What happened here was this: we wanted to get to the island. We did get to the island. The problem was getting off the island, for some reason. Anyway, Friend went first, then myself, then Brother, then SilverDawn (my sister). I got to safety, so did Friend, so did Brother. But not Dawn! She got stuck-in-the-mud, with mud almost to the top of her boots. (Wellies, rubber boots, tall shoes, wellington boots, hiking shoes, whatever you want to call 'em.)
We got one foot (and boot) out of the mud, but we couldn't get the other foot out without practically sitting in the mud, which was also a mixture of grass, dead worms and cow poo. Lovely.
Eventually Dawn almost fell totally into the "mud". We rescued her, leaving Brother now stranded, trying to get Dawn's boot out. Dawn then began to head back to Friend's house, with one boot-less foot. While she was still within a stone's throw, we got the boot out and chucked it to her, and she ran back to get changed. But Friend and I had to get Brother out, which we eventually did, though leaving one boot in the mud. While he went back to get changed as well, we were left to get out the boot. We eventually managed but then Vinnie the dog, we noticed, had gone behind a barbed-wire fence and a hedge of brambles and couldn't get back. Eventually he managed to jump over, and we went back. Then we went for the proper walk!
We ran down a hill and found a lake!
Which was pretty muddy :p
There were lots of rushes:
and Friend insisted I get a photo of the "double rush"
Yay. Anyway, then we wandered along the edge of the lake, and saw a house. There were some dogs barking, so we ran off, up a different hill.
This one, to be precise:
But there was this HUGE fat, orange, fluffy, angry dog barking at us O.O
I have no idea what type it was, but we certainly didn't hang around to find out! After climbing that hill, we went towards the left, and saw a huge flock of sheep. Then we went down into the woods and followed a stream for a while, before heading back.
(Sorry, bad photo)
When we got back we were told that the lake had actually been a trout farm DX
Oh well! That had been fun! :p